Term Dates - (please note Pupil Free days on the SIMON Calendar)
Term 1: 29th January to 4th April
Term 2: 22nd April to 4th July
Term 3: 21st July to 19th September
Term 4: 6th October to 19th December
Student Wellbeing
At Sacred Heart Primary School we believe in the value and dignity of each person as a uniquely gifted individual who has the right to feel safe and secure, nurtured and supported at school.
The school has a Wellbeing Co-ordinator who works with staff, children and their families to implement programs and coordinate assistance in areas of need and concerns such as behaviour, social and/or emotional development.
The co-ordinator's role is to support and empower members of the school staff in dealing with specific students and their needs.
The aim is also to establish supportive relationships between families, teachers and students whilst providing a positive school climate.
The coordinator also liaises with support services such as St Vinnies, Child Protection agencies and other welfare services to assist families and our students.
Programs offered to support the wellbeing of our students include –
Buddy Program
Transition programs
Lunchtime Clubs/Alternative Play
Seasons for Growth
Anti - Bullying policy
Life Relationships
Times of Operation
8:45 am Teachers are available to children in the classroom.
8:50 am School then commences.
10.50 am Morning Recess.
11:30 am Recess ends. After recess session commences.
1:30 pm Lunches are eaten with teacher's supervision.
1.40 pm Lunch play time
2.10 pm Lunch ends. Afternoon session commences.
3:15 pm Dismissal
Sacred Heart Primary have a number of students who live with life threatengin allergies to nuts. Their food allergies are severe and exposure to these nuts could result in anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal condition that requires immediate medical attention.
For the safety of the students we have instituted some food restrictions in the classrooms. We are ask parents/guardians to be conscientious in the selection of snacks that your child brings to class.
In an attempt to limit the chances of these children being exposed to nuts we are request parents avoid including “peanuts and peanut products” in lunches or snacks. ‘May contain traces of nuts’ are fine for the nonallergic students to consume at school as long as they do not share food. If your child brings peanuts/peanut products to school, they will be asked to eat away from the students with the peanut allergy, wash their hands after eating and wipe down the desk surface.
We encourage children to bring a Fruit Break to school each day. At approximately 10am children have a small snack of fruit to keep them going until play lunch at 11am. The fruit needs to be sliced and in an easily accessible container.
A brief assembly is held each Friday afternoon at 2.15pm in the Mercy Assembly Area. Prayer and the National Anthem begin the assembly. Sports reports and birthdays are celebrated and children and staff are given general news for the week ahead.
Weekly awards for all grade levels are presented.
A fortnightly newsletter is published to our website, Facebook page and sent via email through our communictation tool SIMON. The newsletter contains school and community-related news.
Students must weat hats in Terms 1 & 4 or whenever the Sunsmart UV Widget indicator is 3 or above.